www.timeanddate.com is a great resource for finding out time and date related information for any major city or country around the world:
- Whether you’re Checking the date and time for international business conference calls. For example it allows you to pick up to 4 cities on the planet and compare times for a web meeting or conference call. If it is at 4 pm in New York what time will the meeting be in China, Saudi Arabia and France?
- So you don’t wake up your international friends who live overseas like me in Sydney, Australia by calling them at dinner time from Europe.
- If you need to make a phone call to someone in another country and you are not quite sure how to dial the number, then their International Dialing Codes listing should be useful
- View the current position of sunlight on Earth and which parts of the Earth are in day and which are in night.
- Checking the calendar to see what days public holidays will be on in the next 2 years or past few years
- Much more including : countdown timers, moon and sun rise/set times, daylight savings start and end times etc
Clocks Photo © Jenny Rollo.
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